Julie Carla Photography

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outreach in reutlingen, germany.

about two weeks ago now, a group of us, 8 students and 1 leader, travelled about 475 km from schladming to reutlingen. on our drive there, we went a speed i had never gone in a vehicle before, shared our testimonies with each other and stopped at mcdonald's for fries and mcflurries. on wednesday night, we were introduced to the church that we were going to be working with for the next 5 days. on thursday, we went to two grade 7 classes, a university, and did some street evangelism with our flash mob to "call me maybe". on friday, we cleaned up a city playground, and some more street evangelism. on saturday, we did a family event that had face painting, balloon animals, games, coffee and cake. we also went on a "little" hike up to the lichtenstein castle which was beautiful and hung out with our host families in the evening. on sunday, we went to the church service and also led some sunday school classes. we drove to another city for a youth church service.it was quite the adventure and i have learned that autumn in germany is my favorite season. ever.