loveleigh lavender wedding: chelsea + dave.

a beautiful summer day celebrating chelsea + dave. the skies were blue, the lavender fields were blooming and the love was flowing through every moment. one of my favorite moments was during chelsea’s speech and she said, “i thought my favorite moment was going to be walking up the aisle towards you Dave but my favorite was actually walking back down the aisle as your wife.”

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chilliwack grad photographer: jesse.

that moment when you realize your younger cousin isn't so little anymore. it's been a pleasure seeing this young man grow up over the last 18 years. congratulations on your graduation, jesse! i look forward to seeing photos of your capernwray adventures next year! dsc_0039dsc_0041dsc_0045dsc_0055dsc_0058dsc_0061dsc_0072dsc_0084dsc_0086dsc_0099dsc_0114dsc_0131dsc_0136dsc_0142