family photography at ellwood park.

the wiens family welcomed me with open arms and seriously were one of the sweetest families i've met! their kids came from as far as the netherlands so it makes this session that much more special. thank you for letting me capture these special memories for you! Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography1Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography2Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography3Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography4Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography5Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography6Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography7Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography8Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography9Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography10Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography11Abbotsford-Ellwood-Park-Family-Photography12

abbotsford family photographer: the toews family.

when dianne contacted me she told me that her and husband are both celebrating their 60th birthdays plus it's their 40th anniversary this year as well. then when she told me that her daughter was engaged and decided to do a simple ceremony in the backyard, this day turned into an even bigger celebration. thank you for letting me into your beautiful family for a few hours. :)TOEWS1TOEWS3TOEWS4TOEWS5TOEWS6TOEWS7TOEWS8TOEWS9TOEWS10TOEWS11T0EWS12TOEWS12TOEWS13TOEWS15TOEWS14TOEWS16TOEWS17TOEWS22TOEWS23TOEWS18TOEWS19TOEWS20TOEWS21TOEWS24TOEWS2julie is a natural light portrait and wedding photographer located in the fraser valley. if you would like more information on my sessions, please contact me here.