schladming: hike up the river.

i have now done this hike/walk three times and probably will do it a couple more times while i'm here. it is such a beautiful hike. the river is beautiful. sometimes i would just stop, and look at the river. not take any pictures but just to take it in and enjoy it. basically, every turn you take in austria just doesn't stop being beautiful.


so i arrived here at the school on sunday afternoon and met so many people, it's still hard to remember people's names. but it's only day three. all 80 of us come from either canada, germany, or usa/other. school has been great so far but here are some photos of the school and it's roommates. biggest girls room.the little bistro where i will be using my ABC expo skills.the lecture hall.the chalet, where most of the rooms are.the main building with the dining hall on the main floor and my room and the bistro on the second.the office of the school.i knew the school was by a ski hill but i didn't think it was RIGHT by a ski hill. the skiing world championship in february is happening here.

austria: day three.

today we went sightseeing. austria is so beautiful! it's hard not to post every photo that i took! but that would be 200.. so i'll narrow it down a bit. enjoy :)Schloss Ort, a castle in the water in Gmunden. it was founded around the year 1080.Gmunden.Hallstatt. a little village built on a side of a mountain and a lake. this was full-scale replicated in China.Gosau. that is a glacier in the back. the ice used to be where the lake is.beautiful flowers everywhere.typical Austrian scene.our little "detour" bought us beautiful uncle was the first to the top.beautiful mountains.the church from the wedding scene of the sound of music.beautiful colored buildings in Mondsee.

austria: day one

left home around 9:15am monday morning, arrived in linz at 2:05pm tuesday afternoon. what a long journey. travelling went well except for the no sleep on the plane to frankfurt. my aunt and uncle picked me up at the airport and took me home to their place. my aunt and i went for a walk around the town. i love all the unique, little, old houses here with the narrow streets. i think this is the beginning of a great adventure :)
